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Since 1965 Mafra has the aim to enhance and protect with great passion the international automotive heritage; this is possible by applying the maximum expression of Made in Italy to cosmetics for cars.


Thanks to its manufacturer experience and its forefront Research Laboratories, Mafra combines perfectly high level quality and technology standards through artisanal production methods that allow excellent final results.


The history of Mafra has its roots in the distant half of the sixties. The entrepreneurial instincts of its founder, Gianfranco Mattioli, suggested him to transfer the principles of human cosmetics in a totally new field: so was born the famous slogan "cosmetics for your car."


What was called cosmetics at that time, is today called detailing.


This is why, from this insight and more than half a century later, his descendants have given rise to the Labocosmetica line: a great concentrated of technology, innovation and tradition dedicated to those who demand the most for treatment of his car.

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Info Kontakt

JagAid s.r.o. - Elite Car Care

Horska 2094 95806 Partizanske 

Otváracie hodiny:

Po - Pia: 09:00 - 12.30 13:30 -18.00

So - Ne: na objednavku

Telefón: 0905 332 871

Email: info@elitecarcare.sk


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